Why Alcohol Makes Losing Weight Harder (Not Just About Calories)
Alcohol can be a significant barrier to weight loss, and it's not just because of the calories it contains. Here are a few reasons why alcohol can make losing weight harder:
Slower Metabolism
Our bodies process alcohol differently than other nutrients, and this can slow down our metabolism. This means that our bodies burn fewer calories while we're processing alcohol, making it more difficult to create a calorie deficit.
slower metabolism
2. Increased Appetite
Alcohol can also increase our appetite, making us more likely to overeat or make unhealthy food choices. This happens not just when we’re drinking but also the days after making it difficult to maintain a healthy diet and achieve weight loss goals.
drunk and hungry
3. Disrupts Sleep
Drinking alcohol can also disrupt our sleep patterns, which can have negative effects on our overall health and wellness. Poor sleep can lead to decreased motivation, increased stress levels, and difficulty sticking to healthy habits
alcohol affects your sleep
It's important to be aware of its potential impact on our weight loss goals and overall health.
By cutting back on just this one liquid we can see a massive boost in our body’s ability to lose weight.
I definitely believed alcohol was just about calories but after realising this it really helped me cut back and pick my battles.
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